March 13-14, 2025 1st International Conference on Hungarian Biosafety More About us Through rigorous scientific inquiry, we investigate the behavior, evolution, and interactions of viruses. Our research spans various areas, from studying emerging viral diseases to exploring innovative antiviral strategies. News IN MEMORIAM DR. JAKAB FERENC 2024-02-21 BASED ON THE IDEAS OF TWO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN PÉCS, THE VIROLOGICAL PROTECTION OF THE COUNTRY IS STRENGTHENED 2024-03-16 PÉCS VIROLOGISTS INACTIVATE CORONAVIRUS WITH THE HELP OF A NEW DEVICE HUNGARY 2024-03-16 More news Colleagues Dr. Kemenesi GáborDirector Dr. Kuczmog AnettDeputy Director of Operations Dr. Görföl TamásResearcher Dr. Kurucz KornéliaResearcher Dr. Madai MónikaResearcher Dr. Szabó EszterResearcher Dr. Bodó KornéliaResearcher Dr. Dékány-Zana BrigittaResearcher Dr. Lanszki ZsófiaResearcher Somogyi Balázs AntalResearcher, BSL-4 Laboratory Manager Keidl JuditResearch assistant Nyári ViktóriaResearch assistant Potzné Árvai ZitaResearch assistant Leiner KrisztinaPhD student Varga ZsaklinPhD student Pásztor DorinaMSc student Dr. Hetényi RolandResearcher, PhD student Dr. Hanna DánielResearcher, PhD student Kopasz ZoltánPhD student Ábrahám ÁgotaMSc student Csiba RebekaBSc student Gáspár AdriennPR Manager Király DóraPersonal assistant Partners Zatloukal Innovations H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University Center for Karst and Speleology AIM-COST Action network Ukrainian Bat Rehabilitation Center One Health Institute University of Osijek Department of Biology Disease Modelling and Transmission Section Mühlberger Lab Institute of Parasitology National and FAO Reference Centre for Rabies Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora Pasteur Institute Novi Sad Centre for Bat Research & Conservation Laboratory of Clinical and Epidemiological Virology Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković” Medway School of Pharmacy, Viral Pseudotype Unit Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Videos More videos