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Our group specializes in the ecology of arthropod vectors such as mosquitoes, ticks, midges, and sandflies, and the diseases they transmit. In addition to monitoring pathogens and vector organisms relevant to Hungary, our focus extends to tracking the European spread of invasive vector species, like Hyalomma ticks and invasive Aedes mosquitoes. We assess their ecological and public health risks, including the introduction of new pathogens and their role in the dynamics of endemic diseases.

Our work integrates field ecology with molecular biology tools, providing a comprehensive approach to understanding and managing vector-borne diseases. As part of our international outreach, our group is a member of the European PRAGMATICK COST Action research network and represents Hungary in several international projects within the Aedes Invasive Mosquito COST Action. We lead numerous international collaborative efforts in researching invasive mosquitoes, contributing significantly to the global understanding of these vectors and the diseases they carry.